‘Markets are conversations – Talk is cheap, silence is fatal.’
This is one of my favorite quotes, and it comes from the “Cluetrain Manifesto”. Silence, and miscommunication, are killers of any relationship, be they personal or business relationships.
If you aren’t engaging with your customers, and listening to what they say, they could be soon be talking to others, and you may not like what they say about your business!
A Life Long Learner
I would describe myself as a “lifelong learner”, or a “serial expert”.
Having already completed a couple of courses with AWAI (The American Writers and Artists Institute) as well as a business writing course at Mitchell College (now Charles Sturt University), I have worked as an SEO copy writer and local marketing consultant. I also work as a ghost writer for select clients on topics ranging from Consumer law to International Trade and relationship laws.
Later in life, not content with just being a writer, I also became an accredited commercial UAV (drone) pilot. I’ve had a long-term fascination with photography, video and social media.
My Business Philosophy
Working as a consultant with failing businesses has reinforced my belief that a good conversation with the market place is absolutely essential.
This is a fancy way of saying that having good products and excellent service is a great start, but businesses need to know what their customers are looking for. And this means listening, fixing any problems that may arise quickly, and being aware of market trends.
Competing on price, while important, isn’t the be all and end all. Someone else will always find a way to sell things cheaper, what customers need is a business with great products at a reasonable price, with service to match.
I specialize in helping businesses build relationship with their clients in the market place.
In today’s switched on economy, getting your conversation right with your market is absolutely vital. Get it wrong, and the world will know about it instantly.
This is true whether you are running a conventional off line business, or a business that operates primarily on the internet.
Seize The Day
Carpe Diem is the Latin word for seize the day, and in the context that I use the term simply it means to make the most of every opportunity to plot a course for both present and future prosperity.

Hey, if you need a writer with a bit of life experience, feel free to contact me!