Note To Self Check Your Facts Before You Write

Allan Cockerill eats humble pie! I made a comment earlier today without checking my wording, and/or the facts of what I was talking about. The comments concerned Disqus and Intense Debate, and were in relation to the CommenTwitter WordPress plugin that I am using on this site. I wrote about CommenTwitter here! Disqus, like CommenTwitter,…

Twitter Your Blog Comments With CommenTwitter

I’d like to introduce you to a WordPress plugin that posts comments from your blogs visitors directly to Twitter. CommenTwitter is the brain child of Jonathon Bishop, the Internet Marketing Specialist at Magicomm, LLC in Amesbury, MA. Features Of the plugin include: Ajax “Send To Twitter” interface integrates seamlessly Commenters can Tweet their comments Links…

Why Twitter Spammers Bug Me And Why We Need Verified Accounts For Everyone

Firstly, an apology: Please forgive my ignorance in believing that Twitter is about interaction concerning a number of things, including business. Interaction shows relationship, and communication. If you look at the word ‘communication’ and compare it with ‘community’ it’s pretty obvious that they come from a similar root. I received a notice about a new…