Have You Ever Looked At Someone And Wondered Why No One Has Hit Them With A Shovel Yet?
I saw a meme on Facebook this morning from Shelley.
For some reason Facebook went all dorky and wouldn’t let me share the meme, so I made a new one using the same words!
(Some days you just have to improvise!)
So Facebook is today’s first recipient of my “Golden Shovel Award”.
Some would say that they are quite a worthy recipient, considering some of the garbage on there.
(Not Shelley’s stuff though. Her shares are good, whether she considers them mundane or not!)

Anyway, that pretty much sums up a lot of this week.
Wednesday I had to endure an enterprise agreement meeting listening to a manager who was acting like God giving Moses the ten commandments.
The truth is, my work for any employer or client should add value to their business, in turn leading to a profit for them. So salary or payment for work carried out is a just reward, not a favor from some over inflated ego.
Anyway, lots of other stuff happened, like finally erasing reminders of the “Great Recession” or “Global Financial Crisis” or what ever it was called in your part of the world.
We’d had to do a dance through the supreme court following some of our biggest clients going down the tube in 2009.
I like to think that it made me better rather than bitter!
Anyway, by the end of the week I needed counseling.
I met up with Steve, a former teacher/headmaster now school bus driver.
He said that he needed counseling too, so we went off to the Irish pub and counseled each other!
Steve has an intense interest in life, the universe and everything, so we found a lot to talk about.
Like having a laugh about buying the newest and best fan dangled new camera, and spending months trying to learn how to use it rather take the pictures that we wanted with them.
Or why kids won’t line up properly to get on the bus rather than pushing and shoving.
And how much fun it is to slow them down on a Friday afternoon.
All they want to do is get away from school and go home or in to town to hang out.
I remember years back when I was driving a school bus, and caught a kid smoking on the way home.
Minutes before, I’d given a lecture about rights and responsibilities, and what behavior I expected on the way home.
It was a Friday afternoon too. In the middle of summer.
So I stopped the bus and started to read a magazine. Peer pressure got to him and he threw his smoke out the window!
Years later he walked up to me in a local store with his own kids.
And thanked me. He’d never smoked again!
Anyway, Steve and I laughed about these things, stupid bosses and all the rest of it.
Afterwards my wife and I went and bought fish and chips and went home, where I poured her a glass of wine!
(Not for me though – white wine after a pint of Guinness doesn’t go down too well.)
Anyway, that’s all quite mundane and boring I guess, but sometimes life is like that.
And sharing stuff like that can help others realize that yes, life is like that sometimes, and that is ok.
It’s ok to relax with friends as well.
More than ok, it’s essential!
So whether you’re relaxing with friends over coffee, or having a beer, or knitting, or building a fence together, communication is vital to our well being.
The fence can wait though!
Enjoy your weekend.
I’m going to an air show to take some photos, if I can get the damn camera to work!