Taking The First Step Towards Getting Somewhere
There has been a lot said over the years about people receiving a living wage, and getting ahead in life. Unfortunately, as is often the case, much more has been said than done.
Who is to blame? Is it the “system”?
Is the modern education system churning out people who are equipped for jobs in the 20th century?
That could be a problem in itself, because as technology advances, and we move deeper into the 21st century, many of those jobs will have disappeared.
In fact, many have, particularly in Western nations.
Do people have too high an expectation of what they can achieve?
To get ahead, one has to have a plan, a goal, and a strategy.
Without these, “getting ahead” is just a dream.
The first thing to do is to realize where you are at, and determine that you don’t want to stay there.
Hence the title of today’s post, which was taken from a quote by JP Morgan:
The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.
I’ve been reading a book by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy called “Living Forward”, and if you’re looking for change, reading this book is a great place to start.
In fact, that’s where I found the quote by J.P. Morgan.
The book is available from Amazon. My copy was gifted to me by my friend Tege.
Please note that this is not a paid post, and is not published in return for any gain!