What Is Your 2:57 Moment?
This is the question that was posed by Will Newman in an email that I received recently.
It wasn’t until I clicked on the link in the email and checked out the Jeb Corliss video on YouTube that I knew what the heck he was talking about.
Jeb is a base jumper, and Will Newman was referring to the moment that we see Jeb’s face and understand the 2:57 bit.
Will says in his email: “Jeb Corliss knows the dangers of base jumping. He tells others that standing on the edge, waiting to push off, is a moment of sheer terror. But that 2:57 moment makes it worth all the fear, the sweat, the terror.”
He then goes on to share about his own 2:57 moments in life, and asks his readers about theirs.
So I’ll ask you today, what gives YOU that sense of exhilaration?
What makes it all worthwhile for you?
There’s no rehearsal for life – one minute everything is quiet and dark, the next we’re thrust into the outside world, and from there until whenever we leave the planet we experience a series of events that either improve, or damage us.
One of the things that make life worthwhile is being able to pass on knowledge to the next generation. As I write this I have a five year old coming in and saying how fantastic the video below is, and how much he likes the music.
And then I explain what I am doing and how I am streaming the video from YouTube to the website.
Then I showed him how to stream it to the television in the living room.
Pretty mundane stuff I know, but magic to a five year old!
All sorts of stuff takes my breath away, whether it be a hike in the mountains (I think that I may be a little past base jumping) or aerial photography.
Jeb Corliss: Grinding The Crack!
Being on a small boat in a storm can be scary/exhilarating as well.
A new job interview, wondering whether you’re suitable, and then finding that you’ve got the goods after all is satisfying.
Or seeing your children negotiating their way through life, getting back up after falling, and then achieving their goals is too!
I’m nearing the wrong end of my three score years and ten, but I am still finding stuff that thrills and amazes me.
What about you? What gives you the biggest buzz?
Will Newman was writing on behalf of AWAI (American Writers & Artists Inc)
You can find Jeb Corliss on Facebook.
Music: “Sail” by AWOL Nation