Happy Fathers Day 2008
Fathers’ Day 2008 is the 100th time this day has been celebrated in the United States.
The first celebration was held on July 5, 1908, and is now celebrated on the third Sunday in June.
The first Fathers’ day celebrated in June was in 1910.
The day is celebrated on different dates around the world.
In our family, father’s day is an opportunity for the family to spend time together with parents and grand parents.
The occasion is marked with a special dinner, often with close friends of the family invited for the occasion.
Although the day has become another retail opportunity along with other special days of the year, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Home made Father’s Day cards with a simple poem or gift inside can mean as much or more as the most expensive gift.
The thing that I enjoy most on Father’s is spending time with family and friends!
Fathers’ Day in Australia and New Zealand is celebrated on the first Sunday of September each year!