This Blogger For Hire
“Markets are conversations – talk is cheap, silence is fatal”
from The Cluetrain Manifesto, Levine, Locke, Searls & Weinberger.
What does your web site say to your visitors?
Is your site or blog encouraging return visitors?
Do people buy the products that you promote?
Are your visitors staying for more than a few seconds?
Do you even know how long your visitors are staying on your site?
If not, why not?
It’s all about standing out from the crowd!
With millions of new sites and blogs being published daily, competition for readers’ is only going to intensify!
Many companies are content to whack up a website to list products and services, but do little to make it stand out from the crowd, and nothing to engage their visitors!
This is a fatal error, and in the present global financial climate, could leave your business lagging behind your competitors.
While good quality writers don’t come cheap, they are absolutely essential to any business.
If I had to use one word to summarize the purpose of any web site, I would use engagement!
Using a quality writer on your blog to interact with others and to tell your story will go a long way to ensuring your success in the long term.
While your business may be too small to hire a full time writer, engaging one on a contract or part time basis would be a good way to start.
As a publisher of online articles at Freelance Articles, a copy writer and co-founder of the Share 2 Grow network, writing, and engaging with my readership has become a way of life.
At S2G, we have been building a team of writers, and social media specialists over the past two years, and believe that we have the people to help you!
Are you ready for us to start the conversation with YOUR visitors?
For more information, fill in the form below!