Facebook Wall Spam And Profile Privacy

Facebook IconHow do You define Facebook wall spam?

Some say it’s the barrage of pokes and wall posts that they receive, while others count chain letters and stories like ‘Alexandra’s’ as spam.

Others still will stand up and voice their concern about applications that are still trying to get around the ‘no forced invite rules’ by limiting features until a certain number of invitations are sent out.

Privacy is the concern of a lot of people on Facebook, and the company is continuing to make changes to protect its users, including allowing members to organise family, friends and work colleagues into different groups.

This allows them to choose who sees what on their profile.

Of course, how we ourselves treat others counts too, and we need to be aware that we could be causing discomfort for them too.

This satirical video from the BBC shows what it may be like in real life, if we all behaved the way some do on sites such as Facebook.

The video features the comedy sketch group, Idiots of Ants

The message has to be choose your friends well, be careful what information you make public, and perhaps most importantly, treat others in the same way that you wish to be treated.

Note: The inspiration for this post came from an article at News.com.au.

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  1. Hi Allan,

    An interesting post about a topic that should possibly be covered in the school curriculum now-a-days. I worry about the younger generation who are just entering or on the verge of entering the job market. They don’t seem to realize that a lot of prospective employers are starting to check the online presence of potential hires. In their exuberance to socialize online, some of the younger set tend to post photos and videos that my generation would have left hidden in the bottom of a bureau drawer. Not that I’m a prude, far from it, but somethings are better shared only with a select few and not the whole internet. Similarly, they make comments online that are frequently better left unsaid in public and I don’t necessarily mean for the sake of political correctness. I’d be the last one to promote PC. They just don’t seem to realize that some of this material may come back to haunt them in the future and may have an impact on their careers.

    However, that’s just my two cents worth.


    Don Whites last blog post..Not the ‘Cover of the Rolling Stone’ but…

  2. G’day Don,

    I reckon that that’s a pretty fair sort of a comment mate!

    It’s only the experience that comes when we have a few years under our belt that helps us to see things like this. The trouble is, putting old heads on young bodies can be a difficult task..


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