Buy Viagra

Quick Facts About Viagra  Cialis and Levitra   Is Allan Cockerill selling Viagra? The short answer is no! The long answer is that this post came about as a result of the usual flood of emails each day advertising pharmacy specials and urging me to buy cialis on line now. I did some research and…

Coffee, Smoking And Other Risk Factors Of Pancreatic Cancer

With the confirmation that Patrick Swayze has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a number of people have been searching for associations between smoking, coffee and pancreatic cancer. In my original post, I listed some of the risk factors associated with Cancer of the Pancreas. Smoking is included in that list, although I hadn’t included coffee….

Living With Trimethylaminuria Or TMAU

Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) also known as fish odor syndrome or fish malodor syndrome, is a genetic condition that affects the production of the enzyme Flavin (FMO3). When FMO3 is not working, the body has trouble breaking down Trimethylamine, a product of the decomposition of plant and animal matter. Trimethylamine is ingested as part of the diet,…