Caught In A Landslide, No Escape

[masterylabs_dropbox_audio file=”″ image=”” mobile=”” phone=”” tablet=”” controls=”yes” autoplay=”no” loop=”no” link=”” redirect=”” skip=”” shadow=”0″ border=”0″] This IS real life! The internet has opened up a lot of business opportunities, but we do have to beware. There are a number of so called “marketers” out there who’s prime goal is to separate unsuspecting buyers from their money,…

Allan’s Newest Experiment!

[masterylabs_dropbox_audio file=”″ image=”” link=”” width=”650″ height=”502″ controls=”yes” autoplay=”no” volume=”100″ loop=”no”] What’s a man to do..? With a great head for radio, and a voice well suited to silent movies, I’ve been reluctant to appear in videos, preferring to use slide and sketch videos to get my videos across. But, to my dismay, popular opinion has…