I See A Little Silhouette Of A Man
With Apologies to Queen..
I found a link to All Silhouettes from Kurt’s site earlier today, and couldn’t resist the connection!
Silhouettes offer the chance to create a picture in our readers’ minds without the hassle of using images of identifiable people on a web site.
They can also be used in sketch video, as well as in reports and E Books.
I find too that they give me the chance to come up with creative ideas, such as using a 1970s song (Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen) as the base for a blog article.
Is that flippant, or silly? Maybe..
Remember though that your blog needs to be different to what everybody else is is publishing.
What’s the use of going to the trouble of setting up a blog and publishing at what ever interval you choose, if your content is going to be the same as everyone else’s?
Anyway, using images can help your blog stand out!
As I was saying in my last post, images can help hold your readers’ attention, and in this day and age, that is important.
The image to the right is doing the rounds at present as a meme. I’m not sure who to give credit to for it. There is something written in the lower right hand corner, but I couldn’t make it out.
If you’re going to use memes to promote your blog, and you should, you need to make sure that people can make out the address so that they can visit if they wish to.
Otherwise, you run the risk of going to a lot of trouble for nothing, as the creator of the one on the right obviously has!
Sites such as Youzign and Canva are great for creating memes.
Another that I have found, and it’s free, is Adobe Spark!
If you create and use memes to promote your website and/or blog, try and keep it relevant to the theme and content that you present.
Another great resource!
Another great resource that I found on Kurt’s site is Pexels
Sign up for their newsletter, and they will immediately give you 40 free images that you can use royalty free.
As with any site, check the license of any images or other content that you wish to use. The last thing you want is a letter from someone’s lawyer.

The image above is a sample from Pexels. They have a wide range of content to choose from.
The image blow originally came from Unsplash
I’ve included here just because I like it, and also to mention that it was featured on Pexels, so you’re able to view content from two sites at once!

A Disclaimer: I have included a number of links to websites in this post for the convenience of my readers.
Please note that these are not affiliate links, and I receive no payment for sharing them, even if you buy something there.
I have personally visited and used all of these sites, and visit both Canva and Youzign on a semi regular basis.
I did receive a very nice note earlier this evening from Kate at Canva, thanking me for the mention. I really appreciate that and am quite happy to continue share about quality sites on my blog.
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