Every Right Implies A Responsibility
It seems that every day I run into someone claiming their rights.
Did I say claiming their rights? That should be demanding their rights!
Every time I hear people talk about their rights, I wonder about responsibility, and whether they accept them along with their rights.
And if they accept that they have responsibilities, do they fulfill them?
Does big business fulfill its obligation to pay taxes?
Do governments fulfill their responsibilities to their citizens?
And do the people keep an eye on their governments ensuring that they govern for all the people?
How about the mutual responsibility of employers and employees?
Years ago I worked for an employer that I didn’t really get on with. Let’s call him Mr Smith.
Even though I felt that way, when I was working, I was “Mr Smith”, because I had an obligation to look after his business.
Does anyone think like that anymore, or am I just old fashioned?

Sooner all later, someone’s rights will be someone else’s loss…
That is unless we all develop more respect for each other, and very quickly.
Anyway, In this post I’m not taking a line about what is right and what is wrong.
Rather, I’m asking people to think I guess…
And I’m just thinking out aloud …again!
Have a great week!
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