If You Don’t Take Step One You Won’t Take Step Two

Yesterday I shared Taking The First Step Towards Getting Somewhere, and this post follows on from there.

The title comes from a quote by Zig Ziglar: “People who won’t take step number one will never take step number two..”

It’s pretty obvious in one sense, but when you think about it in the context of yesterday’s post, it makes sense, because if you don’t evaluate where you are now, you can’t move on to that second step, and make the changes that you need to.

Long before Tege sent me the book, “Living Forward”, I had been asking myself some fairly strong questions.

Change the world by changing yourself first

Depending on how deep you wish to go, they can be fairly confronting.

Here are just some of them:

How have you defined yourself in the past?
What sort of paid work have you done in the past?
What sort of unpaid work have you done in the past?
What have you always dreamed of doing?
Why do you need to change?
What do you need to do to change?
Have you tried to change before?
Did you succeed in changing?
What were the reasons for your success or failure?
Are you in control of your thoughts?
What are your talents and strengths?
What can you do that others would pay you for?
Would they be getting good value?
When does/did the change start happening?

Reinventing my life has been an ongoing process, and if you somehow got to meet my 25 year old self, you wouldn’t believe that I was the same person.

Looking back over the years, I feel as though the process has been slow, but in reality, I have come a long way.

How do you define yourself?Take That First Step

Growing and learning is a life long process.

Growth and change doesn’t necessarily make you better than the next person, just better than the way you were before!

Realizing where you are in the first place is necessary before trying to instigate change!

The changes we need to make may be big or small.

They could be related to diet, exercise, relationships or career.

In my opinion, they are all related to two things:

1/ The desire to change.

2/ The will to change.

Having the desire to change is a good place to start, but without the will, there can’t be any change.

The will gives us the power, or the “grunt” that we need to keep moving.

It means taking responsibility for where we are at present, and where we want to be next, and on into the future.

Is a lack of self confidence a great way to get sympathy?

I was researching the above quote by Zig Ziglar, and came across this blog post.

It’s a very good question to ask, and another one that can be added to my “self quiz”.

Another one to ask might be: Is self pity preventing me from moving on?

JP Morgan Quote

Which brings me to a third thing that we need to change:

We need the Grace to change!

There is a spiritual side to life, whether we choose to ignore it or not.

But we need to give ourselves the grace to trip, and get up and move again.

And we also need to give grace to others that aren’t making the same progress.

As well as that, we need mentors to show us grace to change as well.

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