Do You Know How To Back Down And Change Course

Have you ever had to back out out of a situation, and change course?

In your car, walking down a laneway, or even a heated discussion?

Or do you take the attitude “I’m here now, I may as well keep going”

I know that I have, with less than stellar results!

What about career, or relationships, or life in general?

Many years ago, long before there was a public internet, and way before mobile phones and their pesky cameras were everywhere, I did a lot of stupid stuff.

Really stupid stuff, but I had to change, and I thank God that I did.

It took a lot of grace, power and commitment, but it happened.

That wasn’t the end of the story, because like many before me, I found that change, and growth, are ongoing!

I still occasionally see people that I used to hang out with, not many now as a lot of them didn’t make it.

But they still look the same (with a lot of added years of course), and still have the same attitudes.

Kangaroos can't back down

Just like Elvis Presley famously sang they’re “..caught in a trap…can’t walk out”.

That’s their reality, it’s where they live and they seem quite happy to stay there.

But what about you? Can you back down?

I woke up this morning thinking about kangaroos. My Dad spent a lot of time in the bush, and one of the things that he taught me was to always have an escape option if I came across one of these fellas.

Why? Because it’s impossible for a kangaroo to back down, because of his tail!

And if he’s scared, or protective of his mob, he’s going to cause a lot of damage to you, maybe even kill you if he’s mean enough.

But enough about kangaroos, what about you?

What’s stopping you from changing course?

Been doing living this way so long you can’t/don’t want to change?

Years ago I had some bad habit’s that I just couldn’t seem to shake.

So I began to pray and meditate about it, and found the answer.

I just plain enjoyed what I was doing too much!

Those habits that people need to break could be anything, from over eating, to smoke and/or substance abuse.

Unless you decide to not like what ever it is, or like something else more, you’re caught in a trap.

I happen to like better health and freedom more.

What about you?

The kangaroos above:

This photo was snapped on a local rugby field here at sunset last week.

No animals were harmed in the taking of this photo.

And neither was I!

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