There Is No Turning Back

I shared the other day that kangaroos can’t hop backwards because of their design!

Their tails, and their legs, make it almost impossible for them to move in any direction other than forward!

This makes them part of a very small group of creatures that are like this. In fact, there are only two animals that scientists are sure can’t walk backwards, and they both live in Australia!

The other is the Emu, a large, flightless bird that is similar to the ostrich in many ways, though a little shorter.

Both creatures feature on the Australian coat of arms.

I always thought that this was a funny setup, and a bit corny. After all, the US has a tough looking eagle, and the British have a lion, and a (ahem) unicorn..

But thinking about it, who would you like on your side, a couple of mates that only know how to go forward into battle, or a unicorn, that may or may not have ever existed.

Anyway, as you can see in the image below, there they are, peeking across the crest at each other, and unable to back down.

They may get battered and bruised in a dust up, but corner them at your own peril.

Feeling a bit battered today?

Change and growth can be hard, and sometimes it feels as though the universe itself is trying to hold you back.

But that’s just the time to make like the kangaroo and emu!

Rest a bit, take a deep breath, and keep going!

You will break through!

Aussie coat of arms

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