A Note For The Social Media Inept And Twitter Clueless

This post is for all those that love to bug me on microblogging sites!

If I have unfollowed them on different networks, please let them know that I wrote this especially for them!

Twitter IconI posted an article here the other day called
Is Twitter Just About Numbers

It caused it bit of a flurry, and I may have offended a few people, so I decided that the best thing that I could do was write a new post, and see if I could offend some more!

My objection isn’t necessarily about people using software to find people to follow, or even the occasional auto DM (direct message).

My problem is the way some people treat others on social media.

Social networking is about relationship. Getting to know people, and interacting!

Twitter, Plurk, Identica etc are not designed to be broadcasting services!

Do you have a link, or an update about your business to share?

I can handle that, but please don’t do it every five minutes!

If all you do is promote your business on microblogging services, you obviously have no interest in relating to others.

This makes me wonder about customer service if I was to purchase the product being promoted!

My guess is that the after sales service would probably be lousy!

It’s interesting that in the time it has taken to write this post, I have had three new followers on Twitter.

Two of those have sent ‘tweets’ every few minutes since I followed them back.

Once I complete the post, I will unfollow them, which will have meant that they are simply wasting their time and energy, at least as far as I am concerned!

A constant turnover of followers must be evident to them, but, then again, if they have no regard for others then they probably wouldn’t notice!

What is The Key To Social Networking?

A Simple Social Network

The diagram above represents a simple social network!

While any one individual in this network may not be directly linked to every member, they are indirectly linked.

This means that a ‘tweet’ could be repeated and shared a number of times, thus reaching a majority of members of the network!

I wonder if the social media inept are also socially inept offline?

Then, There Are The Twitter Clueless!

I was chatting to Lin Burress earlier when she came up with a new follower with these stats:

Following: 1195 Followers: 189 Updates: 0

Her reaction? They’re totally clueless as far as social networking and micro blogging sites are concerned!

My thanks to Lin for the title of this post!

I guess that someone out there has written something called: “How To Use Twitter And Grow A Network Fast”.

This twit obviously didn’t get past the first page.

They’ve worked out how to use a site that adds followers automatically, but somehow forgot to send updates so that they don’t look like a complete dork!

Twitter Icon2I don’t REALLY Bite – at least not that often!

Feel free to click the link and join me on Twitter.

I’m usually pretty easy to get along with, especially with the right measure of Kilkenny lager and good food! Oh, and good conversation too!

An Important Update:

I can understand the use of software to send automatic direct messages if you are busy, and the use of certain sites to help you find people to network with.

As I said to my good friend Ric Raftis earlier, it’s about interaction with the people we network with, not how we came to meet them!

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  1. Good post Allan. Engagement is essential in social media and developing relationships. Sure there’s nothing wrong with the odd link here and there, but not a constant stream of them.

    Personally, I HATE automatic Direct Messages on Twitter. Essentially an auto DM is a bit insincere and even worse when it contains a sales link.

    Fair go, do you usually try to shove something down someone’s throat while you’re shaking hands with them?

    No, you don’t, so why do it on Twitter. Engage people, develop relationships and then present your products and services as a part of your tweetstream.


    @RicRaftis on Twitter

  2. I hear you re: auto DMs Ric! Interaction and relationship building are what social networking is about!

  3. Hi Alan,

    It’s actually funny, lately I find that twitter is almost like my experience with online dating a few years back when I was single …

    Essentially, I make quick (and sometimes irrational decisions) about whether or not to follow someone. If I arrive at their page, and see that they are following 876 more people than they have following them, their most recent tweets better be pretty darn interesting.

    I may actually be missing some interesting people, by being so picky. But the fact is, I just don’t have time to follow/interact with everybody.

    One thing that has helped me …

    Not stressing in the least bit about my own follower count. When I choose not to follow someone back, I fully Expect that they will unfollow me within a short time.

    … and I don’t take it personally at all.

    .-= Todd Morris´s last blog ..Tomorrow Comes Quicker Than You Think =-.

  4. Hi Allan,

    From the sheer number of clueless Twitter peeps who start following me, in hopes that I will follow back, I’m coming to the conclusion that there really needs to be a Twitter 101 course required for new Twitter users.

    With the volume of Twitter related posts on the net discussing “how to twitter”; “how to use Twitter”; “how NOT to use Twitter”; “right way to use Twitter”; “why I won’t follow you on Twitter” etc, you would think that tweeps would take some time to actually read and follow the suggestions and recommendations made. But they don’t.

    I could go on a rampage rant about Business ONLY Twitter users who only/mostly tweet self-promotion tweets, in hopes followers will RT in mass or actually BUY whatever (crap) they’re promoting, but it wouldn’t do any good so I won’t bother.

    Then, of course, there are the so-called “social media guru’s” and/or “A listers” on Twitter who are primarily involved in Twitter Cliques and don’t/won’t engage socially on Twitter with anyone other than those within the clique. Blech… I think I’d rather engage with REAL peeps who aren’t primarily or ONLY seeking RT’s or promotions to their wares.
    .-= Lin @Telling It Like It Is´s last blog ..Parents Television Council Says American Idol Finale Crossed the Line =-.

  5. I do like what you have to say because I do not like being hounded by salespeople in the slightest. However, as a business owner, I do not see anything wrong with a few plugs here or there on one’s own services as long as there is other dialogue meant to be informative and/or social.

    I am relatively new on twitter and, by far, do not know the in’s and out’s but I do wish twitter would crack down on porn-related users as I have been followed by several and I continually have to check the followers list to block undesired sexual solicitations.

    Twitter shouldn’t be all about fun and games though, right? Otherwise I would say it’s a cheaper version of myspace or facebook.

  6. G’day Todd, Someone once said that the trouble with networking is that people want to network back!

    That’s the nature of the space, although some people seem to want it all their own way, and will unfollow someone as soon as they start following them back.

    I choose to follow people that have similar interests, that I can learn off, or that I have relationship elsewhere. The occasional link is never a problem – it’s the constant stream of promotional links that bug me!

    Someone who is following thousands, but has only made a handful of updates is often a potential spammer though!

    Thanks for the follow, and am looking forward to interacting with you as different time zones allow! 🙂


    (@ozegold on Twitter, Plurk, Digg and Technorati.)

  7. Hey Roxanne, nice to hear from you!

    Hearing from sales people isn’t a problem, as long as they respect the wishes of potential clients!

    I think the problem with Twitter, and other social media sites is that they are a mix of business and social networkers. Getting the mix right is the key!

    An occasional link about an offer, new blog post etc is not a problem! It’s when it becomes a tsunami, with no interaction with other people that I get upset!

    I buy stuff that will meet a need that I have, or a desire to own etc! When I sell a product, I need to make sure that a) there is a need for it b) I can meet that need and most importantly c) respect the wishes of potential clients, and listen to them!

    I can’t listen to them, and am not showing respect, if all I do is send a torrent of links their way and drown them out!



    (@Ozegold on Twitter)

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