Cyber Bullying On Bebo Blamed For Boys Death

Bebo IconA grieving family is blaming the social networking website Bebo for a 13-year-old boy’s suicide.

Sam Leeson, a 13 year old student from Gloucestershire hanged himself.

After his death, his family found evidence of bullying on his Bebo page, and believe that the abuse had been ongoing for a number of months.

The Full Story from!

Is Your Child Being Bullied Online?

Bullies have been around since Adam was a boy, but the internet adds a whole new dimension.

Parents need to keep a check on their children’s activities online.

Our Experience

When this occurred with our one of our own children, we contacted the school, sought teen counseling, and moved the computer to a more public part of our house so that we could see what was going on.

My next move was to join Bebo myself, and add my kids as friends there.

Myspace IconI have maintained a low profile, and only check their profiles periodically.

They have come to accept my presence there, as they have on Myspace as well.

We also maintain contact with other parents.

In another case that occurred at about the same time in our area, the police had to be called in to address all students.

What Do I Do If My Kids Are Bullied?

If your child is being bullied on the internet, the first thing that you need to do is to talk to them.

Next, if possible, talk to their friends, and their parents, as well as your child’s siblings.

School counselors and teachers may also need to be called in, especially if other students at the school are involved.

Once you are sure of all the facts, contact the website concerned, including all the details.

When you make a report to the website, present the facts, and any proof that you have gathered.

Facebook IconRemember, the bullying could just have easily occurred in the school yard, or on the street.

Blaming the social network service or website is going to be counterproductive, and in fact the site may not be held accountable under current laws.

Whether the website concerned is Bebo, Myspace, Facebook or any other networking site, they realize that it is in their interest to help make their part of the online environment as safe as possible.

In some cases, it may be necessary to call in the police.

After speaking to teachers and counselors, it may be in everyones’ interests to call in the police if the situation is ongoing, especially if it turns out that an adult may be doing the stalking or bullying.

In our area, the local police make visits to schools and explain the dangers of strangers online, as well as the issue of cyber bullying.

Please note:

I am not an expert in this area, and can only speak from my own experience.

If you, or a member of your family are being bullied, or being made to feel unsafe online, you need to seek help immediately.

A great post on the same topic!

Zemanta Pixie

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