Why I Refuse To Write For Next To Nothing
Allan Cockerill rants!
Let’s get something straight!
A worker is worthy of their hire, whether that worker is the CEO of a large company, a company clerk, a cook, bus driver, or even a writer, that worker deserves to be paid for their time, effort, and knowledge.
I have had a few requests lately to work as a guest blogger, and article writer.
The amounts offered ranged from $15.00 to $25.00 for each post.
I would never presume to put myself on the same level as copywriters and authors such as Bob Bly or Clayton Makepeace, but I do take what I do seriously.
Writing on this blog is usually done because I enjoy writing, and I write here in a conversational style.
Assignments that I have completed for clients have covered topics as diverse as customs law, separation and divorce, consumer law, solar energy and home furnishings.
For these, and other topics, I have spent time researching the topic, and studying my clients’ publications, websites and any other thing about them that I considered relevant.
I then wrote in “their voice”.
I continue to do this, and I continue to enjoy the whole process.
Asking me to write to the same quality then at say $20.00 per article is akin to asking me to work in a sweat shop.
And it isn’t fair to my existing clients either!
In fact, it would be the same as you paying top dollar to have have your car serviced, and then finding that your neighbor had the exact same work done, by the same mechanic for $5.00.
Would your nose be a little out of joint? I’d say so.
The photo below was taken the other day in Hill End, NSW.

I was conducting a historical tour there the next day, and writing about it. My wife and I drove out, walked around the town and took photos.
Although I’d spent time there camping and gold panning while I was at school, I wanted to get an understanding of how things had changed.
The next day, my guests learned not only what had happened in this gold rush town over 150 years ago, but what has happened since the gold rush ended, and what the future may hold for the area as well.
I put the same effort and attention to detail into topics for my all clients.
This takes time and effort. While I may not have to drive for hours to do the research, the principle is the same.
While I am talking about payment, and amounts, I will admit that I have written content for free. For charities, and for a particular young man who was facing a battle with cancer, and was raising money for research. He and his family have raised thousands of dollars from that, and 100% of that money went to research. Nothing was used for costs, or administration.
So yes, for a labor of love, or just for the joy of writing, I will write for free.`
It would have to be a great cause, and one that I believe in, to get me to do it though!

Allan Cockerill is a writer for hire!
If you need a content writer, whether it be for writing articles, sales letters or for guest blog posts, I am available.
Rates for paid blogging are negotiable, depending on if the work required is on a continuing basis, or one off.
Ghost writing is a specialty of mine, and one that I enjoy.
Feel free to contact me if you need any of these services.