Blog Friends Application Is Closing
I’ve written about the Blog Friends application on Facebook a number of times here.
Unfortunately, the developers have closed the application down for a number of reasons.
I have included a link to the announcement here!
To say that I am disappointed is an understatement, as out of all the applications that I have used on Facebook, this was my favorite, and I have had no trouble in recommending it to others.
I can’t think of a day that I haven’t accessed the application since installing it last year, and I met a number of great bloggers there.
It was directly responsible for meeting a number of friends on Facebook.
I hope that it returns soon, either as a stand alone site, or as an application on social networking sites, but preferably as both.
In the mean time, I have added FriendFeed to my Facebook profile.
While it isn’t Blog Friends, it does show my own activity on sites such as Twitter, Stumbleupon, Furl, Digg and so on.
It takes up a lot of space on my profile, which is a minus.
It also replicates other services, such as displaying recent stumbles and tweets, so I have been able to remove the Stumbleupon and Twitter boxes from my profile.
In the meantime, has any body out there come across an application that does what Blog Friends did?