Suicide Encouraged On The Internet

Fresh CoffeeAccording to a new study, those searching the internet for information about suicide methods are more likely to find sites encouraging or assisting suicide than those offering help or support.

Almost half the sites found in search engine results encouraging suicide or providing a ‘how to’ guide.

The original article from News Ltd.

I’m not Einstein, but it would seem to me that if you do a search for “suicide methods”, then you are more likely to turn up results on how to, or where to get assistance to do one’s self in.

I wonder what the figures would be for a search on ‘suicide prevention’, or ‘suicide counseling’ etc.

If you do a keyword search on Google and Yahoo, or MSN and, isn’t it reasonable to expect to find what you are looking for?

Slow news day at News Ltd today?

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  1. Hi Allan,

    Is there no legal way to ban these sites. They are not providing positive and productive information for users. Well, of course, that goes for other types of sites too. But suicide? Another one is bomb making.

    I read Ange’s post too about her dad. My dad and I were not that close and we battled a lot when I was younger, especially on political issues. However, we mended fences about 7 years before he suddenly passed away. As I grew more mature, I realized that a lot of the things he said when I was much younger were true. And I hadn’t said “I love you” to him enough in his lifetime. I made it a point not to have the same confrontational relationship with my own kids. Luckily I have succeeded. I believe it was communication that did it, the type where they know I respect their position and value the decisions they have already made. Humor too is a big contributor and finding the fun in anything we do helped overcome barriers such as long periods of absence.

    Now for my bucket list. Well, as promised:

    1. To sleep in the bed of Queen Elizabeth II of England. (Alone)

    2. To use the desk of the US President at the White House Oval Office, write a note on his stationary ordering a salad at a fancy French Restaurant.

    3. To watch the Mexicans crossing the border illegally in the US at night time and root for them to make it through.

    4. To see all my children married and having pleasant and fulfilling lives that are socially meaningful and environmentally involved, together with my grandchildren.

    5. To return to Italy where the roots of my ancestors on my Dad’s side originated together with my children, and shoot videos that would be a rip off of The Godfather.

    6. To look for my long lost relatives who don’t know me from Adam in Southern France (Mother’s side) which I failed to do so in my last visit. I just want to see if there is any sort of resemblance at all.

    7. To go to Australia, Meet a certain Allan Cockerill, and have gallons of coffee with him.

    8. To have my portrait painted by Kim Barker, not necessarily nude, as it will be a turn-off at that age, I’m sure.

    There. It is done. 🙂 –Durano, done!

    Durano Lawayan’s last blog post..Skirting Spain’s School System

  2. Hi Durano,

    It makes me wonder how some people think sometimes, putting sites like that up.

    The problem with banning any sort of content is that it hands more power to regulators, and once they start banning and censoring stuff, they usually don’t know where to stop.

    What bothers me just as much is the poor standard of journalism from News Ltd, and missing the obvious fact if you search for suicide methods while using those keywords, then you are more than like going to find material like that…

    Love your list, mind if I join you? Sounds like it could be a lot of fun, though I’ll pass on the palace…


  3. Allan,

    Seems common sense to me too… While I, obviously, do not support sites of that nature… seems to me, if you search for it – you should be able to find it. Especially given the power of search engines …

    I wonder what Editor’s desk that article came across LOL

    Thanks for some great reads 🙂


    Maria Reyes-McDavis’s last blog post..Savvy Saturday Online Marketing Links

  4. G’day Maria,

    I don’t know if the standard of journalism is getting worse, or maybe I’m just getting old and ‘picky’, but stuff like this doesn’t come near what I would consider to be good writing.

    There are a lot of bloggers out there who’s standards appear to be much higher – is it the lack of professionalism in the press, or a failing education system I wonder?

    To me, if you wanted to write about a topic like this, you could write from a positive angle, and highlight sites that deal with depression, suicide counseling or even teen suicide prevention.

    Glad you enjoy the site. I must say that I have spent some time enjoying your posts as well!



  5. I always cringe when I see the word suicide come up in the search terms used to find my site. I once write an article titled “Seven Surefire Ways to Commit Blog Suicide” and so I’m frequently pinged for ‘ways to commit suicide’.

    I’ve wondered if I should add a helpline link/phone number to that blog entry.It’s disheartening to know so many people out there are searching these kinds of keywords.

    Rebecca Laffar-Smiths last blog post..Do You Schedule Your Day?

  6. G’day Rebecca,

    I haven’t put a link for help on my blog yet – thanks for the reminder!

    It is sad, as you say. I guess that it’s part of modern day life with people being out of touch with their support networks like family and friends for different reasons.


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