The Shocking Truth About Twitter
Shocking truth about free networking sites!
Paul Chaney’s crusade has had me thinking about Twitter and other “free” social media platforms!
The truth is that they are anything BUT free.
When you set up a profile on a site such as Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and so on, you are actually giving away information, and information is valuable.
I had a chat to a miner today, an information miner.
The amount of money that can be made by mining people’s information is amazing, and it is sold to marketing companies, decision makers and so on.
They can in turn gauge public opinions, discern trends, and market, or make their decisions accordingly.
Don’t believe me? Look here for a start!
Follow the links and insert your own name to see what comes up. Look further, and see who else gets their hands on it…
I had a debate via email and my blog about privacy with the management of earlier this year.
I still have a lot of questions, and there was one in particular that wasn’t answered!
That question will be revisited soon.
As pointed out then though, Bigsight isn’t doing anything against the law, as the law stands at present.
Does a boycott make sense if Twitter isn’t working properly?
Because in a sense, it’s not free after all, is it?
If you are parting with your information, you are in fact turning over something that is very valuable.
Now, I’m not saying that Twitter, Facebook or any other site mentioned here is doing anything illegal, immoral or untoward!
But the possibility is that somewhere, someday, someone might.
So what do I want in return for my information?
Good, old fashioned reliable Service for a start!
Have a great weekend!