How Do You Use Facebook And Social Media?
Do you use Facebook to meet with friends, or Twitter to promote your business?

I joined both sites back in the early days when they first opened to the general public.
Back then I’d been doing a marketing course which recommended using social media as a platform to promote business.
I still see a lot of that of course, and in fact in some ways a lot of the “social” has gone, leaving us with just another form of media.
There’s no problem with people marketing products on these platforms if it’s done in the right way of course, but it can get really “noisy” at times, even to the point of missing content that you may want to see.
I’m a member of several groups on Facebook, with topics ranging from writing to video and photography, and have set up a couple of business pages for clients.
Most of the time though these days I seem to spend more time hanging out with friends there.
The topics we discuss and share may be anything from football to politics, although I am a bit over Hilary Trump and Donald Clinton!
(Just as I am over Bill Turnbull and Malcolm Shorten here in Australia. Just accept that both sides of politics are going to wreck the country. It’s just that one side does it a bit faster!)
Google Plus is a funny beast, and tends to be a little bit more nerdy than Facebook.
It’s not as noisy as Facebook though, and content doesn’t seem to get as cluttered.
I started a video group there called Video CreativeFX a couple of years ago, and it has attracted a number of members, many of whom have added content and resources.
Feel free to wander over and have a look around. Join if the content suits you, and while you’re there, say g’day!
Of the three platforms that I am sharing about today, Twitter is the one that is more of a broadcast medium than the other two, with a lot of users just posting their own links and trying to build a “following”.
I’ve yet to decide how effective this is as a marketing strategy.
It is possible to get to know people on Twitter, and find a lot of great content.
And it has come a long way since the bad old days of the “fail whale”.
I’m not there as much as I’d like to be, though I do make it at least once a day! Although I do love tech and nerdy stuff, I must confess that I do have a lot going on off line as well.
Feel free to click on the Facebook and Twitter images above and to the left to check out my profile.
If you do happen to add me as a friend on these sites, message me and let me know that you have come via this site, and I will add you back.
And I promise to check out your stuff, and interact! I’m a bit old fashioned like that!