The Importance Of Friends On Social Media Sites

PlurkThe importance of friends on social networks can’t be underestimated.

In fact, without them, the sites wouldn’t be the same, and they certainly wouldn’t be social for a start.

As silly as it may sounds, there are people who think that they can join a site like Plurk or Twitter, and simply start making announcements about their web site or products!

There’s only one problem, if you want anybody to see it, you have to have friends, or followers.

And if you spam them, you won’t have them for long.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

Strange as it may seem though, some people still don’t get it!

I have a friend who plurked a question about his web site over a week ago. Today, he added a reply and wondered why no body had responded.

So I responded by saying that he only had one friend on the site, and that I hadn’t seen it.

The trouble is, I don’t think he hung around long enough to see my response, so he’s probably still wandering around wondering why no one talks to him!

It really is all about relationship!

You can keep your courses about using social media sites to build traffic.

The truth is that even though I do get traffic from social media sites, most of my visitors still come via search engines.

Those people come looking for something, and it is up to me to be out there helping them to find it.

Using social networking sites sounds like a great idea, but are people on Facebook or Myspace really looking for what you are selling?

And if they do happen to add you as a friend, are they really signing up for your sales blurbs?

Over the next little while, I will be writing about the right way to use social media to help build your business online.

I hope that you call back and check it out.

In the meantime, have a great day.

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  1. Absolutely, Allan. You and I already know we’re singing from the same hymnsheet on this, but you put it so well.

    If it isn’t about building real relationships and enjoying them for what they are, what on earth is it? The common alternative is tacky and jaded.

    David Bridgers last blog post..The Movie of The Book

  2. I love the muppets… cool video! Cool post too Allan.

    It’s like that. If you don’t have a following/friends on social network sites, then of course no-one is going to see what you have to share. Relationships are very important and for the most part, I think that social network users know that.

    There still seem to be a lot of “self promoters” out there who don’t build relationships.

    I make sure that I contribute and contribute interesting (or as interesting as I can, LOL) information as well announcing my new stuff.

    If the followers are curious, then they choose whether or not to visit.

  3. I love Plurk. Every time I log in, I learn something. The people are great. At first I was just talking to myself and occasionally someone else would happen to join the conversation. So I was probably one of the ones “wandering around”. Adding friends does make all of the difference.

    I’m looking forward to the follow up articles.

  4. Hey Laurel, I think that we all go through a learning process, but some people don’t seem to learn, even after the process has been explained to them. Cheers, and thanks for the comment!


  5. G’day Ange,

    Great to see you 🙂

    I agree, most social media users know how important relationships are – it’s that minority who show no regard for others that bug me!


  6. G’day David,

    If it isn’t about relationship, than it is almost always about self promotion, but at what cost?



  7. You’re dead on, Allan. The social media sites should be about friendship. I know I’ve made a lot of global friends over the last few years via these sites. Similarly, I’ve come across those who are only interested in pushing their product, asking you to Stumble them, Digg them or whatever. Even if I’ve “friended” them I’ll very seldom promote them unless I find the material extremely interesting.

    Now I must admit, I’m guilty of “pimping” the Grateful We’re Not Dead blog on some of these social networking services. However, this is only to give friends further insight into who I am. I’m not selling anything. There are no affiliate links on the blog. I’m simply reporting the fun we have as a country party band and possibly abusing their ears with some of our material. This is our online diary, so to speak. If a friend gives me a link to such a site and doesn’t ask for Stumbles or Diggs then there’s a good chance that I’ll push their blog if I like the material. But let me, as their friend, make the decision.


  8. G’day Don,

    I share blog posts every now and again on social sites, especially if they are relevant to a current thread.

    I agree too that it can allow others to get to know us.

    When it comes down to it, because of the impersonal nature of the internet, the more we let people get to know us, the more success we will have, regardless of whether we are in business, or just there for the social life.

    Me? I’m there for both!

    Cheers mate!

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