Guru Shows Attention Deficit With Headline Choice
I read a blog post earlier by Aussie Blogger, Ric Raftis about marketing guru Rick Schefren earlier today.
Ric had received an email titled Can I Be Honest With You A Second
Admitting that he may be seen as being pedantic, Ric shot back an email saying that he would prefer him to be honest all the time!
He then made a short blog post, advising his readers to be careful of their headlines. (Especially when sending them to him?)
Mr Shrefren then made the following comment:
just to play along – i read your mission statement and just so i am clear – a visitor (like me – who came to you site this one and only time) is more important than any employee, vendor, freelancer. even if you’ve had a relationship with them for years?
that’s like a retail store saying our clients and WINDOW SHOPPERS are our number one priority.
It’s really easy to look at what successful people are doing and try and pretend your smarter – but the proof is in the pudding my friend.
I don’t know Mr Schefren personally, other than having subscribed to his “newsletter” for a while, but I do know Ric Raftis.
I don’t know what business background that Schefren is from, but every enterprise that I have been a part of, as an employee, contractor, vendor and business owner (at times having filled all four roles), I know that the most important part of any business is keeping the customer satisfied.
This extends to the casual visitor/window shopper, because the aim is to grab their attention, and draw them in!
Without happy customers, there can be no employee, contractor, vendor or business owner in the first place.
Every member of a business, from the cleaning staff to security offers, and from sales and warehouse staff to management, needs a customer service mentality that says to the customer, you are important to us!
Or am I just old fashioned?
I don’t mean any disrespect to this esteemed Internet Marketer, but the attitude shown here throws into question anything that he has to say on marketing, regardless of how successful he feels he is!
The customer is the number one priority for any sort of business.
Without her, the business fails and there can be no business long term.
I agree with you Allan. Everyone in the company must have a customer service orientation. Selling and marketing to me involves a personal touch, a caring attention, and the buyer’s welfare. You’re not old fashioned Allan, you’ve got good manners and great ethics.
Such marketers as this one believe in the impersonal style and I would venture to say, one who has a fast buck mentality. A profit regardless of everything else is rude. Marketing is value for money, and the greatest value is in giving the customer the satisfaction he deserves.
I’m sure this marketer you speak of will find out soon enough that manners never go out of style. –Durano, done!
Durano Lawayan’s last blog post..Reining the Rat Race
Thanks for your comments Durano.
I guess that somehow in the rarefied atmosphere of Internet Marketdom they tend to start believing their own hype.
My opinion is that the whole thing could have been avoided had he resisted the temptaion to become defensive.
Usually when someone has a shot at me I will sit and think for a while before responding – and then write the response by hand before responding online.
My second copy is then written in Notepad, and eventually into the comments or whatever forum is being used.
At least that way I can TRY and avoid making myself look silly…
Please note that I said usually…
Cheers mate,
Well said.
monkee’s last blog post..Disabilities? No uber-abilities!