Something Bigger Than Just An Ordinary Life

Allan CockerillOccasionally, you meet someone on Twitter or Facebook that shakes you into action!

Last year I wrote about 75 Children Who Need You, and how my friend George Karahalios was seeking to help them via our Facebook group, Kathaluwa.

It Happened Again Yesterday!

I met Cate Bolt, an Australian business woman who has an amazing vision!

Cate and her husband are preparing to move to Indonesia to build an orpanage to help just some of the 1.8 million homeless children there.

What’s remarkable is that they are taking their own children, all nine of them!

Blue Mountains Near Katoomba

When you read her blog, and some of this family’s experiences over the years, you will see the see how they have grown in strength!

I met Cate on Twitter, and after checking her site (which I always do when I meet new people on social networking sites), I was completely blown away.

I contacted my friend George immediately!

By coincidence he had already made friends with Cate on Facebook.

We’re working out the best way that we can help build this vision, and help it come to pass!

In the mean time, I’ve decided to do what I know best: let everyone else know!

You can find Cate’s announcement here!

And you can also meet her on Twitter here!

Comet McNaught Over Sydney Harbour

Don’t know how to help?

The easiest way right now is simply to subscribe to Cate’s blog, follow her on Twitter, and tell everyone that you know about this remarkable story!

Just as it was with Kathaluwa, the more people that we get interested, and involved in this story, the easier it is!

Please help! These could be your kids living on the street!

If something happened, and you couldn’t be there for them, wouldn’t you want someone like Cate there to help your children?

Please let your friends know about this story by sending them to Cate’s site so that they can read it for them selves!

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  1. Dear Allan,

    Firstly I want to express to you my admiration for what you do and how well you do it in spreading the word for such elegant issues.

    I connected with Cate minutes after we talked about her brilliant vision and plan and after reading her article/post at her blog.

    Have already introduced Cate to Jim Luce, the founder of Orphans International, an organization that already runs an orphanage in Indonesia!

    As far as I know, he is the best one to guide Cate through this huge step in her life.

    From my side of course I will add efforts as to assist to this the best way I can.

    Once again, thank you so much for being such a priceless friend.

    With my sincerest feelings from Athens – Greece,


  2. George, you flatter me! @catebolt her husband and family are the stars here, and deserve all the support they get!

    Thanks for your kind words! Looking forward to coming sailing in the Greek Isles with Yaghting Greece one day soon! 🙂



  3. How blessed is this earth to have humans like Allan & George?

    Readers should be aware that both Allan and George were complete strangers to me before I embarked on this exciting journey.

    To me, I find it remarkable that these fine young gents are willing to extend an arm of strength and compassion to someone they don’t know, in the name of humanity.

    While I’m flattered by your post, I am certainly no star. I am just an ordinary mum who lacks the “breaks” that stop people from taking action on something they are passionate about.

    As a child I believe they call it ADHD, as an adult they call it motivation.

    The main point of my blog is to prove that EVERYONE can do something to help others in this world.

    That’s not to suggest we should all move to Indo and build an orphanage as the poor islands would no doubt sink under the weight.

    But there is certainly something that can be done by everyone. George & Allan are two of many who have stood up and contributed to change.

    If you don’t like the state of the world, you have no business to complain unless you are making a change. Bless you both for your support, it makes me even more motivated and passionate about global change.

    I’d like to personally welcome all your readers to come and visit the blog and read what I’m about.

    Be good to yourselves, be good to your earth & live with PASSION!

    Cate Bolt

    .-= Cate Bolt´s last blog ..Into the Darkness… =-.

  4. @catebolt I’ve been looking for definitions of ordinary and average, but some how, they don’t fit!

    Unless of course, we talk about average folks like Martin Luther King or Mother Teresa!

    Genesis says that the Almighty spoke the worlds into existence.

    Being made in That image, we in turn speak our worlds into existence.

    Words such as ‘can’t’ ‘impossible’ ‘too hard’ etc can form walls around our lives that make it hard to break out and achieve what we are called to do!

    By the same measure, too often we allow others to build our world for us, and by doing so, we allow them to build it too small!

    These people could be well meaning parents, teachers and others who don’t understand the power of their words.

    Or they could be employers, government officials and so on!

    Your vision caught me by surprise, and has inspired me in my quest as well!

    I’m only too happy to spread the word, and let as many people know as possible. If many contribute a little, it will have a far greater impact than if a few contribute much!

    Oh, thanks for the ‘young gent’ tag – flattery will get you everywhere! 😀


    Some definitions of the adjective ‘ordinary’:

    …ordinary (not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree) “ordinary everyday objects”; “ordinary decency”; “an ordinary day”; “an ordinary wine”

    …average, ordinary (lacking special distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered) “average people”; “the ordinary (or common) man in the street”

    Check More Definitions Online!

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