Which Way For Twitter Now

Ban The Fail WhalePaul Chaney is upset with Twitter!

In fact, he’s so upset that he is urging users of the service to boycott it on July 4th to try and force improvements!

The Fail Whale makes an appearance each time the service is down, and has appeared often during the past few months.

One wonders when the service is going to get its act together, especially with the splash made in June by new rival Plurk, and the launch in recent days of Identi.ca!

Already users on Plurk are moving away from Twitter, claiming that the service is more reliable, and much more fun!

I’ve tried Identi.ca, but find it a pale imitation of Twitter.

A new Facebook group has been formed to promote the cause.

What do you think? Can action such as a boycott force change?

Should users accept a ‘what you see is what you get’ attitude from social media platforms?

Does the fact that the service is free at present make any difference?

I’d like to hear your feedback…

Zemanta Pixie

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  1. I believe that if you're paying for a service then you have a right to expect some guaranteed level of service that you are made aware of in advance of signing up. However, if a service is being provided for free then you have to be prepared to go along for the ride even if it is bumpy. Anyone who bases their business operations on a free service and then complains if it doesn't meet their expectations has to be a poor business person. Any free service you use should be supplemental to solid, tried-and-true services and procedures. The free services are the icing, the paid services are the cake.

  2. I have to agree with Don. Twitter is free for everyone to use, so as much as the down times are quite bothersome and frustrating, there really isn't much anyone can do about it. I'm not sure that a Twittercott would do anything, but I suppose the Facebook Group has the right to give it a try. I've heard about Plurk but as of yet have not jumped on that bandwagon. Yet.

  3. Yes, I agree with you about the free and paid service. Perhaps though the protesters may be doing Twitter a favor, because they have just received another cash injection from investors, who would want to see a clean, mean efficient service. I would expect a paid version to come along soon, when they can figure out a way to get some money back out of it. That's one thing that will be impossible if they lose their user base! Cheers mate!

  4. As shared above, because Twitter would want to make a profit out of the platform eventually, it needs to be operating properly, or it won't happen. My impression is that Paul Chaney has a genuine desire to see improvement, and so sees this as one way of doing it, rather than just seeking an alternative! Plurk's “>http://plurk.com/redeemByURL?from_uid=43263&check=-1723700676&s=1″>Plurk's right here if you want to give it a try! Looking forward to seeing you there.

  5. I'm with you Alan. I'm going to plurk right now and actually think we should organize a non-holiday on a Saturday or Sunday to orchestrate a massive Twitter boycott. That way they won't think it's just the holiday that kept people away.

  6. G'day Roy, Thanks for dropping by. That sounds like a great idea – it gives us an extended break away from the noise of those who 'overdo it' with marketing messages and cheeseburgers for lunch too! I'm personally finding that Plurk is more conducive to conversation than Twitter, and way more fun… In the meantime, these services may be free, but in another sense they aren't, some thing that I am going to cover in my next post… Cheers

  7. I'm boycotting twitter too! Actually, I've pretty much given up on Twitter and now Plurk exclusively but I'll show support at the Facebook Group just because I believe, that any service, free or otherwise, should make every effort to put it's best to the forefront. Doing anything less is just damaging it's brand. Those who've grown sick of the Twitter mayhem may never return. If Twitter plans to turn a profit at any time at all then they're causing massive damage to their pockets NOW because of the severe glitches in their service.

  8. Hey Rebecca, It's amazing how many people have had enough of Twitter – and it's a shame to see as they have really established the market for micro blogging. Whether a boycott will do any good I don't know, but I am willing to give it a try! Allan

  9. The ability to set the Laconica script up your own server is a very interesting concept, and will probably lead to even more developments because of it's open source base. Paul Chaney's motivation in calling for a boycott is, I believe, based on his passion for the site, and his desire to see it improve. I'm quite happy to promote the cause on that basis. I'm a member of all of those sites as well, and several others, but would prefer Plurk… Cheers

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