Bored Add Me Spam

‘Bored add me’ was the only post on the profile.

Allan CockerillIt was the same on the next, and the following six new followers’ profiles!

They have been coming in waves over the past few days!

Obviously the work of either a devilishly cunning, or mind numbingly dumb individual, all the profiles featured the same phrase, similar profile pictures, and different names.

I don’t know who is behind this, but they really need a good swift kick in the derrière!

While they are a nuisance, my guess is that who ever is behind it is hoping to snare people who use ‘auto follow’ programs. Once they have a bunch of followers, then the real spam starts!

Answer: Turn Auto Follow off!

I wonder just how many followers the ‘big hitters’ on Twitter really have?

If they weeded out all the bots and spammers who follow them occasionally, maybe their followers list would look a bit more believable!

What do you think?

Have spammers spoiled follow friday?

I’m beginning to think so – I’ve mentioned before how much I enjoy promoting and introducing friends to each other on Twitter and other social media sites.

Just lately though I am beginning to get ‘follow friday’ mentions from people I’ve never heard of before, and who aren’t connected with other friends.

Add to this sites like ‘wefollowfriday’ and it gets rather messy.

People need to stop and think in their rush to gain followers whether they are really achieving anything!

I use sites such as MrTweet, Topify and Twitalyzer to determine whether to follow new followers in turn!

If they tweet nothing but links, or more than a certain number of them, it’s no go.

Leave broadcasting to radio and television marketers folks!

There are far more effective ways to target potential customers than to drive them to distraction with social networking spam!

Enjoy your weekend!

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